Photo du Moulin de l'Île Saint Bernard
Photo credit: Marie-Anne Gaudreault

Celebrating sustainable development!

Sustainable development involves a commitment to the environment and social fulfillment, while carefully considering economic aspects. Discover the various sustainable development initiatives implemented by the members of Divine Quebec, and how they are helping to promote sustainable tourism.

01 Discover the experience

Discover the experience

Healthy eating and eco-friendly accommodations
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Located in Old Québec City, the Monastère des Augustines promotes healthy eating and a minimal impact on the environment at Le Vivoir. The mostly organic produce used is sourced from within a 150-km radius of the monastery, and inspires the culinary team to create succulent dishes that follow the seasons. What’s more, the monastery stands out for the uniqueness of its eco-friendly accommodations. What better way to enjoy your stay to the fullest than by making your health and that of the planet a priority!

A LEED project reaching new heights
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Do you know what a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is? It’s the most widely used green building rating system in the world. As part of the LEED project that has been ongoing at Saint Joseph’s Oratory since 2019, the site aims to be greener and more welcoming. It will also involve the creation of an observation centre at the top of the dome, that will be accessible to visitors and become the highest vantage point of Montreal.

Comprehensive sustainable actions
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Located on Châteauguay’s magnificent Île Saint-Bernard, Manoir D’Youville promotes sustainable development by focussing on the environment and contributing to the health of communities and ecosystems through selective waste management. Social equity in an effort to allow for individual fulfillment, community development and diversity are among the manor’s values. Hiring staff who live in Châteauguay and regional sourcing are also key concerns for this resort surrounded by nature.

A commitment to sustainability
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Determined to respond to environmental challenges, the Musée des Hospitalières de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal adopts a modernized approach to sustainable development. By adhering to the charter of the Société des musées québécois, the museum’s actions are guided by five fundamental principles: equity and social solidarity, participation and commitment, access to knowledge, responsible production and consumption, and the protection of cultural heritage.

Fair trade and ethical choices
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Through its Social Justice and Outreach Group, the Christ Church Cathedral of Montreal encourages the community to make ethical purchasing choices and support small-scale farming and artisanal production around the world. In addition, through the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, the Cathedral is committed to sustainable development, refugee assistance and global justice, supporting these initiatives through fundraising campaigns.

Photo credit: Marie-Anne Gaudreault
Photo credit: Marie-Anne Gaudreault