Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours
Photo credit: Normand Rajotte
01 Presentation
02 Good to know
03 Stay a while


For over 350 years, the Chapel of Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours, a jewel of history and heritage, has made its way into the hearts of generations of visitors and pilgrims. As you step into the church, you will immediately notice the peaceful atmosphere and feel a palpable link to Montreal’s past.


Good to know

  • Lodging on site
  • Family activities
  • Facilities designed for groups
  • Presentations on site
  • Welcome and information services in English and in French
  • Tour offered in English and in French
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Online exhibition/collection
  • Tourism panels (blue panels)
  • Shop on site and online



Discover Montréal
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Stay a while

Montreal is a place where people have come together for millennia, just like the many cultures and faiths represented today. Quebec’s metropolis is often referred to as the “City of a hundred bell towers,” and its religious architecture has been shaped by waves of immigration. In this vibrant multi-faith city…

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