01 Presentation
02 Good to know
03 Stay a while


Today, the Saint-Cyriac chapel remains the main witness to the existence of a community that was destroyed in 1924, when Lake Kénogami was raised to promote the industrial development of Jonquière and Chicoutimi. After several years of inactivity, it was revived for parishioners in the 1940s and, since 2009, has also become a concert venue.


Good to know

  • Presentation on site
  • Welcome and information services in French
Discover Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
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Stay a while

Peace, tranquillity, relaxation and discovery. Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, nestled in the heart of Quebec, is a popular destination for travellers looking to embark on a spiritual or religious journey. With its diverse and generous nature, delicious regional cuisine, impressive natural beauty and sites that inspire…

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