Le Monastère des Augustines
Photo credit: André-Olivier Lyra
01 Presentation
02 Good to know
03 Stay a while


An authentic and original concept in the heart of Old Quebec.
Live an unforgettable experience within the historic walls of Le Monastère des Augustines, site of the continent’s first hospital north of Mexico.
Sensitively restored and redesigned, Le Monastère offers its guests a unique experience in holistic health, along with a rare opportunity to connect directly with the Augustinian Sisters’ remarkable heritage. It welcomes people of all cultures and beliefs, and is proud to operate its facilities sustainably.


Good to know

  • Food sold on site
  • Lodging on site
  • Family activities
  • Facilities designed for groups
  • Presentations on site
  • Welcome and information services in English and in French
  • Tour offered in English and in French
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Virtual tour offered
  • Shop on site


Place of spiritual retreat/retreat center

Discover Québec
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Stay a while

Première paroisse catholique en Amérique du Nord, Québec est aussi la cité où fut construite la première cathédrale anglicane hors des îles Britanniques. Églises, chapelles, monastères, musées et fêtes religieuses font de Québec une destination prestigieuse empreinte d’histoire. Ses trésors d’art sacré…

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