Photo de la salle d'exposition permanente Ashineun du Musée Amérindien de Mashteuiatsh. La photo présente de nombreux artéfacts autochtones.
Photo credit: TQ - GAËLLE LEROYER

Mashteuiatsh IInu Museum

Open year round
01 Presentation
02 Good to know
03 Stay a while


Through exhibitions and animation activities, the Ilnu Museum of Mashteuiatsh plays a key role in transmitting the culture of the Pekuakamiulnuatsh, the only Aboriginal community in the Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean region. A visit to the Museum is an opportunity to explore the history of the Pekuakamiulnuatsh, through centuries of transformation, and to get in touch with a culture that is both unique and alive.


Good to know

  • Facilities designed for groups
  • Welcome and information services in French
  • Tour offered  in French
  • Free Wi-Fi


Museum and interpretation center

Discover Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean
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Stay a while

Peace, tranquillity, relaxation and discovery. Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, nestled in the heart of Quebec, is a popular destination for travellers looking to embark on a spiritual or religious journey. With its diverse and generous nature, delicious regional cuisine, impressive natural beauty and sites that inspire…

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