15 results
Orgue Beckerath dans l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph-du-Mont-Royal.

Discovering sacred music

Many of the major churches in Quebec are known for their unrivalled acoustics, impressive organs or talented choirs. These sites ...

Photo du Moulin de l'Île Saint Bernard

Celebrating sustainable development!

Sustainable development involves a commitment to the environment and social fulfillment, while carefully considering economic aspects. Discover the various sustainable ...

famille à l’Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Lac-Bouchette

7 contemplative activities to make the most of fall

Planning a day out with your family, your sweetheart or your friends? Look to the members of Divine Quebec for ...

Photo de l'intérieur de la Basilique Notre-Dame situé dans la ville de Québec en format 768 x 576

Discover Quebec’s treasures of sacred art

Quebec’s places of worship and religious sites are renowned for the works of art they display, some of which date ...

Abbaye Val-Notre-Dame : Patrimoine religieux et sérénité

Fill up on nature and serenity

Enjoying a rejuvenating walk in the forest, a stroll by the sea or a breath of fresh mountain air is ...


L'intérieur des Ursulines : Musée historique avec artéfacts, objets religieux et ambiance spirituelle.

Quebec’s heritage on display at religious sites

All around the province, churches, monasteries and historical museums paint a portrait of Quebec’s heritage. Many of these sites contain ...

Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Lac-Bouchette : Sanctuaire paisible au bord du lac, lieu de prière, méditation et pèlerinage au cœur de la nature.

6 suggestions for a peaceful retreat

Invest in a moment of rest and introspection in a place of authenticity rich with monastic heritage. Divine Quebec suggests 6 ideas ...

 Musée des Ursulines de Trois-Rivières

5 original things to do on Halloween weekend

The scariest weekend of the year is fast approaching, and there will be plenty of festivities and special events to ...

Murale de forêt et affiche du LIeu témoin de la protection Mariale Rocamadour. Une lanterne allumée se trouve à l'avant plan en format 768 x 512

Discover inspiring religious figures

Religious heritage has always played an important role in the history of Quebec and is still very much alive. Follow ...

Sanctuaire Notre Dame du Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Mauricie, Québec

Enjoy a peaceful moment in magnificent gardens

What could be more pleasant than a stroll around floral oases in peace and quiet! Green spaces enhanced with masses ...

Vierge Cap Trinité sur le Sentier Notre-Dame

Recharge your batteries on a trip with Spiritours

Sometimes, you need to get away in order to find yourself and leave your worries behind. Spiritours is a tour operator specialized ...

Cour intérieure avec bâtiment blanc historique et structures en bois modernes.

Discover a fresh take on Quebec’s religious heritage

Throughout Quebec, new life is being breathed into religious sites that have found innovative ways to reinvent themselves. To preserve ...

Trois bouteilles d'huile d'olive avec étiquettes, brins de romarin en avant, cuisine en arrière-plan.

Discover delicious homegrown treats at Quebec’s religious sites

Discover the hidden treasures of Quebec’s terroir by visiting heritage and religious sites where traditions and flavours meet. From award-winning ...

Photo d'une pièce du centre Sainte-Catherine-de-Saint-Augustin. On y voit un portrait de Sainte-Catherine et une inscription murale autochtone avec le mot "IAKONIKONRIIOSTHA" signifiant "Celle qui rend l'intérieur plus beau".

A look at the influential women who shaped Quebec’s history

Many of the women who played a crucial role in the history of Quebec society were also known for their ...

Photo de la façade extérieure du Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-du-Cap recouverte en partie de vigne

10 free activities to add to your list this summer
