Contact us
Signalisation indiquant Cap-de-la-Madeleine, un lieu historique au Québec
Photo credit: Michel Julien

Contact us

Sylviane Pilote
Chargée de projet - ATRSQ
By e-mail :
By phone :
514 252-3037 or 1 800 361-7688 ext. 3513
Caroline Haquin
Conseillère marketing
By e-mail :
By phone :
514 252-3037 or 1 800 361-7688 ext. 3738

Address :

Quebec Religious and Spiritual Tourism Association
4545 Pierre-de Coubertin Ave, Montreal, QC H1V 0B2

Are you a member of the ATRSQ and wish to inform us of the information change for your organization? Email us: